Monday, April 18, 2011

Monday Blues

Why  are Monday’s so boring? But time flies fast this morning than usual, sibuk sikit submitting accounting reports for Germany office.  Alhamdulillah, Hairee is feeling better from a high fever he had last cough suddenly teacher from school called saying he had a high fever at 38’ +.
We have a laid-back weekend staying at home and done my most-hated chore, folding laundry right on time, bravo Aiza...  I hate hate hate folding laundry, so instead of washing clothes everyday or every alternate day like other wives does I will only do my entire laundry once a week that includes bed sheets, towels, clothes and kitchen clothes. My mother in-law always teasing me that the washer is getting weak if working non-stop for the whole day..but I've been doing it for the past 8 years with same washer..anyway the washer got 6 days rest and only working non-stop for 1 day (klu betul rosak ada chance tak beli washer with dryer tak yah sidai..angan kuat..pemalas kan hehe). I don't see the points doing it everyday if I just dump piling of laundry into the basket without folding it...
These are things that he brought home last week
From project, bean sprout

Birthday cake creation from daycare group
Family picture..Kamen rider pun family dia..:)


LiAnA said...

haha.. aku hari2 basuh baju.. so far dh 6 thn berjasa... yg penting jgn masuk kain sampai mesin tak boleh pusing.. tu mmg cepat rosak ler..

W..A..H said...

tu lah, dlm sehari tu at least 5,6 kali lah washer tu bergerak tapi aku bagi gap biar dia rehat :)