Thursday, May 5, 2011

Goodbye CRV .. 3/5/11

We bought this car a few months after Hairee was born. Actually, we never plan to buy this car, the idea just came out of sudden 'sebab byk barang baby, with the carseat, stroller, sometime pillows and all that lepas tu Willy's friend the used car dealer called us saying ada CRV we tgk n test drive terus decided tukar from proton perdana to this car. Still same CC 2.0 tapi perdana lebih kuat minyak. This car do wonder to us, really good tapi lately sebab kereta 2nd hand, that time we bought dah 4 years old, so maintenance is high with 2 owners pakai before, last year we spent 8k just utk aircond, skrg pulak terasa kuat minyak sebab kene travel from setia alam to kota damansara every day, walaupun tak jauh tak jammed makan minyak aje about rm 150-200 seminggu.

Lepas pergi Mazda show room, we decided nak beli kete baru so terus let go kete ni dgn car dealer. Huhuhu, that guy ambil murah sgt, 50k aje but no choice sebab Willy malas nak jual direct to end user, kalau tunggu lama sikit mungkin boleh jual lebih sikit tapi he just hate going thru all the hassle to deal with too many car price for this car 7 years boleh dpt lagi 60k.

CRV macam tau aje kami nak tinggalkan dia, that tuesday morning suddenly the alarm not working, alarm got sound 'tik..tik..tapi pintu tak boleh buka...

Gambar2 kenangan selama 3 tahun bersama mu CRV..(ambik gambar mcm nak jual kete :)


LiAnA said...

kater 2nd ni tu ler penyakit.. 3-4 bln lepas laki aku amik kater lg satu gen2.. Ya Allah menyesal tak sudah nis.. asik rosak aje.. bln lepas je kat 4 kali masuk workshop.. nk let go mmg sgt tak berbaloi.. hari2 gen2 tu kena sumpah wakaka..

W..A..H said...

tulah..zaara, 2nd hand ni kita tak tau apa owner lama buat. sakit duit kluar byk kan